
DTE Energy

DTE Energy - Swiss Croon worked with DTE Energy and BLVD Content to develop a marketing campaign aimed at building trust with DTE Energy customers through education on power outages. The main objective was to alleviate the mounting pressure being placed on DTE Energy by customers who were upset about ongoing power outages and increasing costs. This monumental task would be initiated by mining for insights and crafting advertising campaign concepts that were simple, educational, and memorable. We aimed to communicate a message that could be quickly absorbed, easily shared, and utilized by the energy company for the next 100 years. Additionally, we would need to speak to a diverse audience that included multiple languages, therefore the final concept needed to be able to communicate across all language barriers.

Our in-depth process included research and strategy analysis, consultation, the development of presentations and the design and execution of unique concepts aimed at solving this complex ask. Swiss Croon delivered from start to finish, providing final artwork that was print and web-ready, plus a set of assets that were reflective of the company’s brand standards and could be utilized immediately across all communications.